Pastor Corinne Scholz came to Hamburg in 1978 as a young Christian with her German husband and family through the turmoil of the civil war in Lebanon.
Soon after, she founded a house group that quickly developed into this church, which has now exists for over 30 years.
It is the vision of the pastor to lead the lost to Jesus Christ, to preach the Word of God without compromise, to spread the message of God's love for us mankind and the redemptive act of Jesus Christ.
She constantly knows how to lively link her sermons with current topics from society and family, so that the Word of God becomes comprehensible and applicable, and thus has a positive influence on our everyday lives.
In this way, many people have been freed from physical illness or depression, and others who were in hopeless situations have been offered new, good perspectives for the future.
Many have been inspired by our pastor's spiritual freshness and have cultivated a personal, living relationship with Jesus Christ for themselves.
Likewise, she encourages all believers to act independently as followers of Jesus by studying God's Word daily, by grasping it with authority, and by applying it, thus growing in faith into fully mature Christians.
Our pastor knows her congregation and is there for each individual.
She models what she preaches, which is the love of God, and how we can put it into practice in our daily lives.