Vision of the church

Reaching the lost for our Lord Jesus Christ

The foundation for this is the uncompromised preaching of the Word of God.

His Word alone is powerful and sharp enough to reveal the intentions of our hearts and to help us - with the assistance of the Holy Ghost - to get to know our heavenly father, His work, His will and His purposes. Growing in knowledge our faith and our confidence in Him will be strengthened.

By becoming doers of the Word and thus renewing our mind we become established and grounded in truth.

Established in heaven forever the Word of truth is the foundation for a successful and well balanced life of each born again believer. Coming to maturity, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ means to live a life which reveals the character of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The outstanding characteristic of a true disciple of the Lord is the walk in love.

By a close fellowship with the loving Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit the love of God and the other fruit of the spirit will be revealed through us so that men will recognize that we are His children. Love is the greatest and a never failing force.

The deeper we all are rooted and grounded in love, the more we will be bound together in unity.

As each member of the church takes its part according to its ability and calling of God in growing and building up the body in love and lays down its own life in Joint prayer with and for its brothers and sisters in the Lord as well as for the lost then will we be laborers qualified for our harvest field and prepared to reach the lost souls and to receive those that God has chosen for us in this city - Hamburg.

This is the vision of this church and I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to each and every one of us. We want to declare it wherever we go and confess what we believe. We will take the place of our Lord Jesus Christ in the earth praying for those we love as Jesus himself prays for you and me day and night.

Pastorin Corinne Scholz