About Our Church

Pastor Corinne Scholz

Our pastor knows her congregation and is there for everyone individual. She exemplifies what she preaches, which is the love of God, and how we can put it into practice in our daily lives.

More about our pastor

Assistant Pastor Britta Haeger

Our assistant pastor serves in the leadership team of the church, including as a Bible teacher, in administration services, and as the home meeting coordinator.

More about our assistant pastor


Our vision as a "Missionswerk" is to preach the uncompromising Word and reach lost ones for our Lord Jesus Christ.

To the vision of the church

What we believe in

We believe in the Triune God who loves the world so much that he sent his son Jesus Christ as Savior. We believe in forgiveness for our sins and Eternal Life through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

Our Faith confession

History of the Missionswerk

Our church exists for over 30 years. During this time we have developed from a home meeting to a congregation with over 250 members.

More about the history of our church

Church for you

... an overview


For all children from 0 to 14 years there are programs in different groups on Sundays.

To the different groups

Youth kids

For everyone between 14 and 25 years there are different offers on Sundays and during the week.

More about our youth kids


From prayer meetings to women's café to men's breakfast - we have something for everyone here!

To the events

Home meetings

Various home meetings are held throughout Hamburg where we have fellowship during the week.

Appointment overview


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Contact information

How to find us


Ölmühlenweg 4
1st floor
22047 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 656 06 44
Fax: +49 40 656 06 48
E-Mail: misswdg@aol.com
Web: wort-des-glaubens.de

Office hours:

Tuesday and Thursday
09:30 - 11:30


Bus and subway:

U1 to Wandsbek-Markt
Metrobus 9 / 262 to Ölmühlenweg


Underground parking lot with many parking spaces available


Elevator from underground parking to 1st floor available